Day 0 (Friday)
The first thing I noticed was all of the myriad signs that have appeared in the last few days. Everything from Extreme delay warnings and No Parking to Shuttle direction signs.
For some reason traffic was extremely light Friday.
Day 1 (Monday)
Monday was pretty light. I managed to get to work with no problems. I didn't even see any buses.
And the evening commute was light as well...or at least no worse than normal :)
This morning I didn't take any photos. The Commute and traffic were pretty normal. The only difference was the half dozen or so large buses on I-52.
Now for the bad news.
The tourists are here. On my way out to lunch I saw 4 near accidents and at least 10 major traffic violations before I got to UCSD. And to think I want to ride my bike in with this traffic....